All your investments in one place

All your investments in one place
Access multiple investment opportunities on no longer have to manage each investment type on a different platform. We offer you investment options, with competitive returns, across a wide range of asset classes.

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Meet Ola
Your Personal Wealth Advisor

Invest whenever wherever
You can now download the app for android devices and invest or monitor your wealth on the go.

UP TO 15% Stocks
UP TO 10% Even Cash!
UP TO 13% Fixed Income
UP TO 22% Agriculture
Its all about returns!
Earn interest
up to 18%
Access high-yield investment options like Fixed Income and Agriculture.
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It's your call
Take the reins or cruise on auto
You can get hands-on and manage your investments yourself or fund your account and let us make sound investment decisions for you with automated investing. Either way, we're always on hand to guide you through.
Start InvestingTech is great, but…
Sometimes you just need to talk to a real person and get some quick answers.Our dedicated support team is made up of seasoned advisors, especially reserved to help you with investments advice, inquiries, and requests.
We assign issues to the person best placed to respond to your needs for quick resolution.
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